Monitor your grow with your cell
phone 24 hours a day.
© All rights Reserved 2018
Data Acquisition with Private Alarms
The most valuable grow tool you’ll own
Our advanced software allows you to review the
grow environment in charts daily. Our charts are
stored in our proprietary method that allows you
to compare your grow environment to other
The internal “Smart Alarm” service allows you to
quickly set the ranges and alarm points. We have
high and low alarm set points for each sensor. We
store all alarms and present them to you in a list
Smart Private Alarms
When a set alarm point is exceeded we send an
Email to you with the alarm data. The alarm data is
sent once an hour until the alarm is cleared. Totally
private alarm system keeps you in touch with the
grows environment.
Veg or Flower smart adaptive alarms have a mode
that tracks the light cycles with a special alarm.
Our light sensor is so accurate even a single light
fail can set off an alarm. If the dark cycle has light
leaking in even a small amount will set off an
Where there is smoke there is fire, our flame
detector will alert minuets before the smoke rises
up. Our flame detector is a must for all grows.
Temp, Light, Sound, Flame and Wet Temp
are all high accuracy sensors.
The specialized Gas sensor is perfect for
monitoring CO2 levels around the plants.
High reliability Bluetooth connection with
visual Ready, Connected and Alarm Led
Easy to mount it’s only 7.5h x 4.5w x 2.5d
Uses 12V grow power or 115v wall socket
24 Hour monitoring you can “Rely On”
Real Time Alarm alerts sent to you by
Email. Or should I say Bee-mail